...to the Ecobuild conference. Joakim Kaminsky will hold two lectures regarding both Super Sustainables city planning visions and Kjellgren Kaminsky Architectures passive houses.
Nice presentation about your illustration of Gothenburg's vision for a sustainable city. I also agreed when you said that in Hammarby and Malmo a strong goverment masterplan led to amazing projects - its hard to wait for citizens to build a good city for themselves. Make requirements that push innovation in the private sector - such as requiring passive houses that developers would never want to build on their own, but CAN do, and even earn a profit on it. Keep up the good work!
Nice presentation about your illustration of Gothenburg's vision for a sustainable city. I also agreed when you said that in Hammarby and Malmo a strong goverment masterplan led to amazing projects - its hard to wait for citizens to build a good city for themselves. Make requirements that push innovation in the private sector - such as requiring passive houses that developers would never want to build on their own, but CAN do, and even earn a profit on it. Keep up the good work!